French mortgage insurance

assurance pret immobilier

french mortgage insurance

French Mortgage Insurance : English Spoken Service

You are planning to complete your real estate investment in France and need a personnal assistance in that perspective.

When contracting a real estate loan, insurance protects both the borrower and the credit institution. In fact, if the guarantee is called into play, the beneficiary of the benefits paid by the insurer is not the insured, but the credit institution. It is for this purpose that the bank acts as the accepting beneficiary of the mortgage loan insurance contract.

In practice, the home loan insurance contract offered to the future borrower is most often a group insurance contract (distributed by the bank). In this case, the credit institution has directly subscribed to the benefit of its borrowers an insurance contract (known as a group contract). However, the borrower may also, to guarantee his loan, have recourse to individual insurance (delegation of insurance).

As of July 1, 2009, future mortgage borrowers can compare loan insurance offers made to them by providing a standardized information sheet on borrower insurance. Prospective borrowers who present an aggravated health risk may experience difficulties in obtaining insurance. In this case, they can benefit from the conditions provided for in the french « AERAS agreement ». For more information on the provisions of this agreement, contact us for more information.

The Home Loan Insurance contract, taken out as a loan guarantee, is ancillary to the loan contract. Home loan insurance generally covers the risks of death, disability, incapacity and, for certain contracts, the risk of job loss. It is not compulsory insurance within the meaning of the Insurance Code; however, it is, in almost all cases, required by the lending institution for obtaining a mortgage.

French Mortgage Insurance : Definition

Mortgages are always subject to insurance cover. This means that the risk for not paying instalments owed to the bank are transferred to an insurer, in the event of a sudden loss of earnings following handicap or disability. It also avoids transferring the debt to your heirs in the event of death.

What do we mean by ‘Mortgage Insurance policy’ ?

A Mortgage insurance is an insurance policy product that protects your mortgage lender (bank generally) or in some specific cases a title holder in the event that the borrower (you) has a defaults on payments due to a death. This contract is in place in ordre to cover the risk that you could be unable to meet the contractual obligations of your mortgage lending. Mortgage insurance can refer to private mortgage insurance (PMI), mortgage life insurance, or mortgage title insurance. This products have in common the obligation to make the lender or property holder whole in the event of specific cases of loss.

Vallois is your specialist for french Mortgage Insurance Projects

We offer a full tailor made service.
In France, you will face two alternatives : subscribing the insurance policy proposed jointly with its lending credit offre.
On the other hand, you have the ability to contract an external Lending insurance policy from an independent insurer.
By this way, you will materialize a potential of savings up to 60%.

We assist our non-french clients in :

  • Quotation of your project with
  • Subscription documentation (english forms available)
  • Medical Reports / health test and diagnostics
  • Contract finalisation with your bank

Vallois offers you much more than a French Mortgage Insurance

Depending on your specific needs, Vallois Assurance Experts are able to put in place for you a full financing process.

Thanks to more than 100 mortgage Brokers Partners located all accross the french territory, Vallois can offer you an « all in one package » including :

  • Financing : Our partners find for you the best financing proposition
  • Loan / French Mortgage Insurance : Optimized by Vallois in coordination with our financing partner

Thanks to this bundled service, you will save time, stress and money. We optimize your investment project and simplify all your financing process.

Call Vallois for more information on French Mortgage insurance

Call Vallois French Mortgage Insurance & explore the full extent of our capabilities

Vallois Mortage Insurance + 33 (0)1 45 26 29 04

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Les garanties à connaitre en Assurance de Prêt Immobilier : DC |PTIA | IPT | ITT.

Assurance Crédit Professionnel

Assurance Pret Société Civile Immobilière

Formalités Médicales Assurance Emprunteur


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